Silent killer

Every year we witness serious cases of carbon monoxide poisoning.

The risks are great, in residential buildings and industry. Avoid them!

Silent killer
The fact is that more people die from exposure to toxic gas than from an explosion caused by the combustion of flammable gas. The main reason why flammable and toxic gases are considered separately are the different regulations related to them as well as the types of sensors used to detect them.
In the case of toxic substances, apart from obvious impact on the environment, the impact of workers’ exposure to extremely low concentrations of gas that they can inhale or absorb through the skin can cause a problem. Although harmful effects occur due to long-term exposure to toxic substances, it is important to simultaneously measure the concentration and time of exposure to the gas.
Monitoring of toxic substances concentrations in the workplace refers to both organic and inorganic substances, where there are tracked the impact they may have on employee health and safety, possible contamination of the final product and disruption of normal work activities.
The term “occupational exposure limit” is generally used to monitor workers ’exposure to hazardous concentrations of gas, smoke, noise, etc. The main goal is to ensure that their values ​​are below the legally defined ones.
It is important to emphasize that personal and fixed detectors are an essential part of a comprehensive security plan. They provide the necessary information about the state of the atmosphere in which the workers find themselves. In this way, actions can be taken to meet regulations and safety requirements.
It should also be considered that the optimal detection system should simultaneously monitor short-term and long-term exposure to toxic or flammable gas as well as define alarm values ​​for them.